Are you distressed that many in America are rapidly digressing from the principled, honorable standard of morality we once held? This standard produced an example of biblical morality that constructed one of the greatest civil documents of liberty the world…
Author: Jake MacAuley
This Squad Certainly Doesn’t Play For America
Samuel Adams, known as the “Father of the American Revolution,” once made the statement: “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its…
Can You Read, Do You Read?
Part of my work here at the Institute on the Constitution involves making presentations across the country about matters of law and government and the Constitution. Sometimes, I’ll ask the members of the audience to raise their hand if they…
Is The Electoral College Worth Keeping?
“It unites in an eminent degree all the advantages,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist No. 68, “the union of which was to be wished for.” As discussions begin again on the next presidential election, the Electoral College debate has…
Obstruction of INJUSTICE is Not a Crime
For two years we heard the drumbeat of “Collusion, Collusion” Now, we keep hearing the phrase “Obstruction of Justice.” I’m curious about this phrase and I think it deserves some examination. “Obstruction of justice” is what they call a “process…
The Movie “Unplanned” Gives Insight To Dehumanizing Acts Like Sri Lanka
What do chattel slavery, the Nazi holocaust, global genocide, and the bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday have in common? By dehumanizing the victims, these horrific acts become tolerable and unobjectionable. The plantation owner thought the African was not…
Are Socialists Really Thieves?
In light of so many eager Socialists serving in or running for office, I feel the need to talk about Socialism. The essence of Socialism is theft. Contrary to Socialism, in America we have an absolute God-given right to property…
Can Liberty Survive In American Public Education?
Last week we discussed The Un-American Education System in America, and I received a lot of feedback. Among those responding was Rich, who I quote: As a retired public high school physical sciences teacher for 34 years, I couldn’t agree…
The Un-American Education System In America
Have you ever asked the question “Just what makes you an American?” I believe it is ascribing to the doctrine of what the U.S. Code calls the “organic law” of the United States: The Declaration of Independence. This amazing document…
Thanks To Public Schools, Socialism Is On The Rise
To quote founding father Thomas Jefferson, “The Constitution of the United States is the result of the collected wisdom of our country.” He also said about America, “With all the imperfections of our present government, it is without comparison the…