Author: Gordon Howie

Alone in the Alaskan Wilderness

Most people wouldn’t consider that much fun. His idea of adventure takes him places ordinary people don’t go.  Shadrach Howie has never been ordinary. The Brooks Range of Northern Alaska is calling his name.  Shadrach is leaving this week for 20…


Rapid City Police Attack Neighborhood

About 20 off duty police employees invaded a North Rapid neighborhood yesterday.   Actually, there were no patrol cars in sight.  These off duty police department employees were on a mission of community service… on their own time.  They showed…


Three Iranian Idiots

Barack Obama, John Kerry and Richard Lugar The deal they are promoting: Gives Iran access to $50 Billion dollars Allows Iran to maintain 5,ooo nuclear centrifuges Trusts Iran This deal defies rational thought. President Obama, Sec. of State Kerry and…


Stock Market: Worst is Yet to Come

 If you didn’t like stock market performance in August… … You are not likely to like it in September! Stock Market experts are suggesting that investors should “buckle up” for a bumpy ride.  Some investors have already deployed their parachutes.…


Illegals Should Be Deported

What’s all the fuss?? If someone has been living in your back yard for several weeks (assuming you have a big back yard) before you find them shouldn’t you still have the right to evict them?  Or should they somehow…


Franklin Graham vs Hillary Clinton

Actually, you could call it Truth vs Fiction Franklin Graham has become America’s ambassador of truth. Hillary Clinton has become one of America’s most well-known liars. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Clinton would suggest Republicans are like terrorists while she…
