Author: Gordon Howie

What IF Conservatives Were In Charge

  Life would be different if conservatives were in charge. We would responsibly develop our natural resources.  Energy independence becomes a reality and fuel prices drop to reasonable rates. Taxes actually get LOWER and revenue to the government INCREASES.  Government spending levels…


Reagan Was Wrong

Ronald Reagan was a great leader. But in this case, he was either misquoted, misunderstood… or WRONG. Actually, I believe the quote is accurate.  The real problem is that people find it helpful to hide behind the “Reagan gospel” so…


Christie Daugaard and ObamaCare

Two Governors… Two different directions. New Jersey and South Dakota are very different. So are their Governors, when it comes to ObamaCare. Governor Chris Christie just VETOED legislation that would have begun the march toward ObamaCare. “I am concerned that…


Is Voting Republican Good Enough?

Will you vote “Republican”, or will you vote your values? There is a difference! The Republican party stands for conservative, traditional values… right?  The Republican party stands for protection of life and fiscal responsibility… right? It all depends on whether…


Dark Days Approaching in 2013?

Dark Dark Days In 2013? Many people are predicting that 2013 will be a very dark year. High-level, reliable sources said recently that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America.    …
