As the underdog in American culture, the Right has its work cut out for it regardless of whether Obama or Romney wins the election. In our morally relativistic age, to say that Romney is more to the right…
Author: Brad Ford
Bad Lifestyle Choices + Socialized Medicine = Taxpayer Robbery
You don’t have to be a Darwinian realist to know that most people will adopt bad lifestyle choices when given the chance. Go for maximum taste, cheap thrills, and mindless entertainment, they say. The Christian concept of Original Sin seems…
Should Governors Submit to Anonymous Student Evaluation-Style Reviews by Legislators?
The student evaluation has been a staple in education since the 1960s. Good way to get rid of unpopular faculty. After all, if students are unhappy, then how can they be in a mindset to learn? The same goes with…
Should Republicans Field More Fighting Politicians?
Did Paul Ryan come across as too wimpish in his debate with Joe Biden? After all, Biden was rude, provoking, disruptive, intimidating, and smirching. Do either Romney or Ryan look like they could fight their way out of a…
Would Berkeley’s Mario Savio Be a Right-Wing Activist Today?
It was December 2, 1964, at the University of California at Berkeley, and what has become known as the Free Speech Movement was getting underway with students led by Mario Savio making a stand against what was considered an oppressive…
Are American Progressives Secretly in Charge of Racism, Oppression?
Look at any mercator map projection of the globe and you’ll find that the farthest east and right are exactly the same places as the farthest west and left. Just lift up the flat map to form a cylinder. The…
Is Grassroots “Live Performance” Returning to America?
The Lyceum and Chautauqua flourished in America before Big Media in the form of radio, television, and motion pictures took over. People went to lectures to hear Emerson and Thoreau in person during a time when “continuing education” for adults…
Whither Democracy in an Age of Demagoguery?
Whatever the issue, if America’s biggest problems can’t be put on the public table for open discussion, then what has become of our freedoms? Suppose the drug cartels were to take over a political party in this country, but no…
Do Big Numbers from Big Government Numb Voters into Acquiescence?
Big Media has done its job well in throwing Big Numbers at the average American. Fittingly so, because taxpayers have paid heavily from their hard-earned dollars to keep university and central-planning statisticians in employment cranking them out. …
Democratic Party Welcomes Only a Perverse Jim Crow-Like Diversity
Minorities were prominent at the recent Democratic Convention. Television cameras went from celebrities like Jesse Jackson to wildly cheering delegates. Overlooking their smug projection of social victimhood, it almost looked like the Old South with plantations full of rank-and-file blacks…