In short… Disastrous! Leftists currently have a strangle-hold on America. From the first day of the current Administration, the mission to “re-make” our country has been front and center. It’s hard to imagine that Leftist policies are not intentionally designed…
Category: National News
National US News
Leftists Mandating Vaccinations
Where are our Republican defenders??? No consideration is being given to natural immunity in those who have already had Covid or other treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective. Reports are now surfacing that the vaccine is NOT as…
Fueling Inflation
Leftists “are surprised” by record inflation… You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that the flood of economy-killing Leftist policies has had a destructive impact. Destroying America’s energy independence was job number one of the Biden Administration.…
Spending Other People’s Money
Leftists are busy doing things you DON’T want… with YOUR money! The process is simple. Step 1. Pass a spending bill with a price tag of $3.5 TRILLION dollars. Step 2. Tax people to fund the spending. It would be…
Leftists Creating Chaos
De-funding police, immediate release of criminals and open borders… Leftists continue to promote policies that create an environment of crime and violence. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. That Leftist attitude has an un-written companion. “If there isn’t…
Forced/Coerced Vaccination
Brace yourself, if you don’t want “the vaccination”. The government has a “5 point plan” to get everyone vaccinated. It includes door-to-door “visits” by government agents. Make no mistake, the plan is to continue to reduce the number of un-vaccinated…
Yes, Your Government is Watching You
Tucker Carlson is the latest high profile victim. The NSA is monitoring “private” emails, phone calls and other communications of American citizens. They routinely (daily) share it with the FBI and leak it to Leftist journalists. Their efforts appear to…
Big Savings from Leftists… NOT
Leftists brag about a 16 cent savings on a meal for July 4th. None of these people have been to the grocery store lately. Not only have food prices gone up for families across America, prices on EVERYTHING have skyrocketed.…
Passing the Buck
After Leftists have slashed Billions from law enforcement, they want to blame someone else. Crime is spiking at historical records in communities led by Leftists. Now, in the face of disastrous consequences, Leftists are rushing to find someone… anyone… else…
New Gun Control Technique
Have you tried to buy ammunition lately?? The unavailability of ammo may not be the result of a “vast Left-Wing conspiracy”, but Leftists have (at the very least) exacerbated the problem. When Leftists can’t accomplish their mission one way, they…