Category: National News

National US News

A Lost Generation

America is losing a generation of children. There are some bright spots. Some parents are still providing a strong foundation of faith for their children. Still, the majority of children are being raised by social media, television, movies, music and…


1st Step to Mandatory Vaccinations

“To protect others.” If you think that is a far-fetched thought, think again. The argument used for mandatory masking and lock downs is “to protect others”. If Leftists fear mongers are successful in mandating the wearing of masks and controlling…



*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media Follow me on Twitter @GordonHowieSD “friend” me on facebook for daily updates. See more about Texas Longhorn Cattle at Our mission is to promote Conservative Christian principles, help the hurting…


Eyes Wide Shut

Senators Thune and Rounds are out of touch with South Dakota. And, some would say, out of touch with reality. Neither of them “have seen any evidence of voter fraud” in the Presidential election. Perhaps they should look. South Dakota’s…


Electoral Vote… the Real Count

We have not yet heard the end of the vote count. There are several states still in the balance. While the Media has “called” races in Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, There are serious allegations of significant irregularities and…


Unity in America… Finally

Joe Biden promises to “unify” our country. Don’t hold your breath. For the record, Joe hasn’t been elected. The Presidential race will not be settled until the Supreme Court either refuses to hear arguments of election fraud, or rules on…


South Dakota Takes a Hit

Pun intended. Legalizing marijuana for recreational use is another serious blow to the battle against addiction. The highway of addiction is littered with death and destruction. Literally. If you wonder how this could possibly happen in South Dakota, the answer…


I’m Voting My Values

And looking at performance. Important issues for me: Defending unborn children, protecting our border, finishing the wall, lower taxes, less regulation, responsible oil & gas production, preserving my Christian faith, opening our economy, school choice, gun ownership, support for Israel,…
