Category: National News

National US News

3rd Quarter GDP Growth 33.1%

33.1% This is the highest gain in GDP in the entire history of our country.  And this is DURING a pandemic that has been brutal to the national economy. Early estimates were that the GDP would actually LOSE 3%.  So…


Born Again

The choice is simple, the consequences eternal. You will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. You get to choose. The book of John (NASB) recounts an encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus. Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus,…


Covid Vaccine Linked to Abortion

Maybe you haven’t heard. The short story is that the vaccines being developed and tested are using cells derived from fetal tissue of aborted children. Beyond that fact, there are some interesting twists and turns. In 2019, the Trump Administration…


Real Statistics on Covid-19

Covid death statistics can sound VERY alarming. Let’s take a closer look at South Dakota yearly cause of death statistics. Not to diminish the seriousness of Covid, but to provide some perspective. This information is available at Heart Disease…


Enemy of the Church

The mission of the Devil is to kill, steal and destroy.  Covid-19 seems to be a tool to that end. Covid-19 has delivered a serious blow to churches.  Most have yielded in some way to this attack by requiring masks…


Fundamental Choices

This Presidential election is by far the most consequential in the history of our nation. Literally everything is at stake. God help us. Save our nation. *** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media Follow me on…


To Frack or Not to Frack?

That is the question. The answer isn’t very clear… when you ask Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. They are both CLEARLY on record, saying multiple times they would ban/end fracking. Now, as the election grows very near, they have become…


Don Willey

I said good-bye to a long time friend today. Don lived a very full, adventurous 88 years. He was the most memorable character of my life time. For many years, Don was the steel guitar player in my country band.…



Should Conservatives and Leftists “Meet in the middle”? I don’t think so. If the conversation is spending $5.00 vs $10.00, then maybe there is room for compromise. Aside from that, compromise is nothing more than a Leftist tactic to move…


Hating the Apostle Peter

Peter’s behavior could easily make him unpopular in “spiritual” circles. He was a coward. He denied Jesus. He cursed. Even after the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, his speech was fiery and accusatory. I imagine his personality to be rough…
