No longer the Golden West at the end of westward trekking, our once-proud Manifest Destiny is in shambles. California is now presented as the symbol of America’s welfare society led by rich Democrats out-of-touch with the Third World squalor they’ve…
Category: National News
National US News
Social Distancing Doesn’t Help Society Build Up Herd Immunity
“While social distancing is helping to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, it is also preventing the development of the ‘herd immunity’ needed by the public to resume their normal lives before a vaccine is developed,” cautions immunologist Dr. David Katz. He…
Covid-19 Notice For South Dakota
To South Dakotan’s in favor of a “Lock Down”: Governor Krisi Noem has taken a reasoned, responsible approach to the Covid-19 crisis. Not surprisingly, she has increasingly become a target for Leftists, both in and out of South Dakota. It…
Trump Takes On W.H.O.
Imagine: Holding people accountable. Thankfully, we have (at long last) a President who isn’t worried about being politically correct. His focus is on protecting American health and welfare, and watching taxpayer dollars. It has become clear that the Corona virus…
South Dakota’s Noem Outshines Michigan’s Whitmer
Their stands on staying at home couldn’t be more different, one being a GOP conservative, the other a liberal Democrat. So who could have guessed that the Republican Governor Kristi Noem would be the more measured and self-assured while being…
Back To Work
America can’t remain shut down. It isn’t a question of whether this country re-opens, it’s HOW and WHEN. Fortunately, while the media and Leftist Democrats are continuing their efforts to “get rid” of Donald Trump, he is planning to get…
World in Crisis on April 12, 1945, but Journalism Has Gone Down Hill
Lots of Easter snow greeted us this morning. Our pandemic in South Dakota seems to pale in comparison to what the world was witnessing just 75 years ago today. The whole globe was also in turmoil that day. I…
Move “Unemployed” Workers into US Agricultural & Meat Processing Industries
The politicized media hue and cry about high unemployment surging through society goes hand in hand with stimulus checks being handed out without any quid pro quo. Surely companies can find some menial jobs that can be done, even at…
Office Holders Should Forfeit Their Paychecks
Those ” who voted for this tyranny, relinquish your pay for the same time period.” My friend and staunch conservative, Tonchi Weaver, made this suggestion in response to the Mayor and City Council of Rapid City, South Dakota shutting down…
Coronavirus vs Hope, Health & Happiness
This is NOT the end of the world. While it is accurate to say there is currently not a known cure for the coronavirus it is important to know that there is available treatment, specifically hydroxychloroquine which is proving to…