Category: National News

National US News

Covid-19 Notice For South Dakota

To South Dakotan’s in favor of a “Lock Down”: Governor Krisi Noem has taken a reasoned, responsible approach to the Covid-19 crisis. Not surprisingly, she has increasingly become a target for Leftists, both in and out of South Dakota. It…


Trump Takes On W.H.O.

Imagine: Holding people accountable. Thankfully, we have (at long last) a President who isn’t worried about being politically correct. His focus is on protecting American health and welfare, and watching taxpayer dollars. It has become clear that the Corona virus…


Back To Work

America can’t remain shut down. It isn’t a question of whether this country re-opens, it’s HOW and WHEN. Fortunately, while the media and Leftist Democrats are continuing their efforts to “get rid” of Donald Trump, he is planning to get…
