Category: National News

National US News

“Miss April”, 2020

Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss April, 2020 featured by Longhorn News and Market. ”Miss April”, 2020 featured by Longhorn News and Market.  Red River Sedona DOB 7/17/2010.  86.125” TTT   A beautiful and ‘complete package”…


Are You Ready?

There is plenty of Scripture that talks about the return of Christ. One of them is Mathew 24:7-14. “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, [bpestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning…


GOOD NEWS about the Cononavirus

From Dave Ramsey Let’s talk some GOOD NEWS. – China has closed down its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases to support them. – Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir,…
