Category: National News

National US News

Imperfect Men Do Amazing Things

Effective Leaders are rarely (never) perfect. God, because of the fallen nature of man, has no choice but to use imperfect men to accomplish His objectives on earth. Many people consider Democrat President John F. Kennedy to have been a…


Leftists Fear The Whistle Blower

With good reason. If the “whistle blower” (the politically correct term for an anti-Trumper with an opinion based on hearsay) is “outed” (a term used by Adam Schiff rather than the more accurate word, EXPOSED), the entire manufactured case against…


Abortion is Murder

Period. Let’s cut to the chase.  Abortion takes the life of an innocent, living human being. Human life begins at conception.  Intentionally ending that life is murder.  Unfortunately, America has bought the lie that abortion is a woman’s “right”.  No…


One Pair of Hands

Many blessing to you today!!   *** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media Follow me on Twitter @GordonHowieSD “friend” me on facebook for daily updates. See more about Texas Longhorn Cattle, Real Estate, Music and Politics at…


At Last… The Border Is Secured

Unfortunately, it has been secured by the drug cartels. That isn’t the result we need to secure our nation.  We need the border secured so that illegal drugs and illegal immigrants can’t get into our country.  It means that the…


Forgotten Faith

Making sin acceptable has become an American norm. There was a day (I am old enough to remember it) when sin was shameful.  There has been a transformation.  Today, calling immoral behavior by it’s name is considered “hateful”.  We have…
