Category: National News

National US News

Unarmed America

What would America look like without the second amendment? It would look a lot like Colorado. The left is predictably using this tragedy to promote the idea of more gun control. They continue to mistakenly argue that making gun ownership…


Taxed Enough Already

 According to, the definition of surplus is, “something that remains above what is used or needed”.  Unfortunately for the tax payers of South Dakota, that definition differs greatly from how Governor Daugaard sees it. He thinks these tax dollars…


ObamaCare Ad Nauseum

Are you sick of ObamaCare?  You “ain’t seen nothin’ yet”! Remember this “help wanted” ad in the Argus Leader? So, do you really think South Dakota politicians are shooting straight with us? ***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host…


Obama thinks

Obama thinks: a)   Same-sex marriage is acceptable. (Reverend Wright didn’t really understand the Bible.) b)   Oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t. c)  …


Obama Campaign Problem Chart

The history of his tenure is a problem for the Obama campaign strategists.   Looks like it’s back to Chicago for Barry.   ***Ed Randazzo, is a nationally syndicated author. He has been a conservative activist and consultant for over…
