Category: National News

National US News

Christians Against Trump

Christians attacking Trump are a puzzle. Certainly, he isn’t perfect, but consider the alternatives.  Is the anyone in the field of Democrats running for President who represents Christian principles?  Every one of them supports abortion.  That alone is a deal…


Miss October, 2019

Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss October”, 2019 “Miss October”, 2019, featured by Longhorn News and Market Shamrock Tari’s Temptress 93” ttt, Owned by Richard & Jeanne Filip, Bentwood Ranch In a world filled…


Definition of Assault Weapon

What, exactly, is an assault weapon? “Whatever semiautomatic firearm the Secretary of the Treasury declares to be an assault weapon.” That statement alone should concern every law abiding gun owner. An article by David B. Kopel, penned in late 2018…


Something Is Going To Hit The Fan

Someone is going to be held accountable. The more Leftists “investigate”, the more it becomes obvious to rational observers that it’s actually the Democrats who are the root of unbelievable corruption, collusion and deception. Donald Trump has proven to be…
