Category: National News
National US News
Conservative Celebration
Celebrate with us!!! Watch the election returns…… Talk to the candidates……. Door prizes!!! Refreshments…… Tuesday, June 5th 6:00 pm til victory!!!! At the Life and Liberty Building 1825 Clear View Lane, Rapid City Join us!!! AND… before you vote, check…
Who Is Telling The Truth?
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard and the Republican leadership are TELLING us they are NOT imposing government health care on South Dakotans. But is that the truth?? You should know for yourself BEFORE you vote on June 5th! South Dakota IS…
Know The Candidates
The South Dakota primary election is Tues, June 5th. Be Sure You Know Your Candidate! See how they voted and know their position on the issues… Then join the CONSERVATIVE VICTORY CELEBRATION Tuesday night (June 5th) At the Life…
SCOTUS To Decide: God’s Law or Man’s Law
We may be making progress in getting to the root of the conflict. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will likely eventually decide the fate of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and in so doing, will decide…
Rapid City Journal Refuses To Accept Letter To Editor
Glenn Freeman sent this letter to the Rapid City Journal, but he got it back indicating it was spam. Here is Glenn’s letter. The outrage conservative Republicans feel due the first time ever primary endorsements by Governor Daugaard of moderate to liberal Republican…
Who Runs The Republican Party?
I was amused by this recent quote… “either Governor Daugaard runs the party or Gordon Howie does.” Have we really come so far that we have forgotten this is a government Of the people BY the people and FOR the…
Last Minute Money Bomb
Money abounds for liberal candidates in South Dakota. It’s not to late to help CONSERVATIVE candidates. Candidates who raised our taxes are getting fundraising help from the Governor The Governor and Republican leadership have all gotten money from the…
Conservative Victory Celebration
Conservative Victory Celebration!!!! Tues evening, June 5th Watch the election results and celebrate… From 6:00 pm until VICTORY!!!!! At the Life and Liberty Building in Rapid City, 1825 Clear View Lane
What IF Conservatives Were In Charge
Life would be different if conservatives were in charge. We would responsibly develop our natural resources. Energy independence becomes a reality and fuel prices drop to reasonable rates. Taxes actually get LOWER and revenue to the government INCREASES. Government spending levels…