Category: National News

National US News

Obama’s Hardcore Supporters

President Obama addresses some of his hardcore supporters. This is apparently Obama’s newest campaign strategy – surround yourself with ecstatic youngsters who don’t have to pay any bills, making everyone think your campaign is filled with rapturous true believers. Tuesday…


A Liberal’s Economic Recovery Plan

The latest liberal economic recovery plan is truly remarkable. North Carolina’s Governor Bev Perdue (DLD-NC) speaking at a Cary, NC Rotary Club suggested suspending Congressional elections for two years so that Congress can focus on economic recovery and not the…


PayPal Targeting Christian Sites?

A formal investigation of several Christian sites and organizations has been launched by PayPal, the huge money-transfer company, because of an online campaign of “hate” against them by homosexuals, according to one of the targets. The notices of the investigation…


America Today, Seen 63 Years Ago

The controversy and trials of America today are depicted in an animated production made 63 years ago!!! A prophetic and accurate depiction of America today was produced in 1948 by the Extension Department of Harding College. The cartoon, entitled “Make Mine…
