Category: National News

National US News

“Miss December”, 2022

Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss December”, 2022 featured by Longhorn News and Market. “Miss December”, 2022 featured by Longhorn News and Market.  Iron Trophy lives up to her name in every way. Beautiful rolling…


“Miss October” 2022

Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss October”, 2022 featured by Longhorn News and Market. “Miss October”, 2022 featured by Longhorn News and Market.  DH Hottie measures 96.25” ttt.  She is owned by Jason Hardy, JH…


“Miss September”, 2022

Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss September”, 2022 featured by Longhorn News and Market. “Miss September”, 2022 featured by Longhorn News and Market.  RM Texas Mermaid is on her way to 100” (97.9375” ttt).  Diamond…


A Time to Choose

The President declares half of the country are a “threat to democracy”. He’s got it partially right, but it’s NOT the MAGA supporters who are the threat. And hopefully, the MAGA Americans are more than half of the country. Leftists…


If You Trust the FBI…

You are going to LOVE the 87,000 new IRS agents! Leftists are using the FBI and the IRS to target anyone who disagrees with them. The FBI and the IRS are ARMED and dangerous. If the FBI can raid the…


Out-of-Touch Democrats

With voters… and reality!! It must be a lot of work to be WRONG on everything! And have to put a happy face on it… *** Gordon Howie *** is a former SD State Senator, an ordained minister, an author and CEO…


Tax and Spend Fuels Inflation

Democrats just added nearly another Trillion dollars, as if inflation weren’t bad enough already. The “Inflation Reduction Act” does NOT reduce inflation. It spends billions on the climate crisis myth, doubles the size of the IRS and plans to extract…


Marginalizing Parents

Leftists want classroom control over our children. Decades of indoctrinating children has finally reached a point that parents (and voters) are revolting. When Leftists lose, children win! *** Gordon Howie *** is a former SD State Senator, an ordained minister, an author…


Foreign Policy Disaster

Current policy is creating a new world order, with America LAST. With a strong America, China and Russia would not be doing the things they are doing. And let’s not forget our unforgivable defeat in Afghanistan, *** Gordon Howie *** is a…
