We had our second Hemp Committee meeting at our capitol in Pierre on August 19. At the last meeting, we had Kentucky testify and this time we had North Dakota; Montana; and our Sec. of Agriculture, Kim Vanneman; Sec. of…
Category: National News
National US News
Sanctuary Cities Are Working
For criminals… It is a policy brought to America by the Democrat Party. This Leftist policy has produced devastating results. This morning’s news includes a report of the rape of a 16 year old girl in Montgomery Co., MD, by…
Dealing With China
Cheat, steal and lie. One might wonder if China has been taking lessons from some American politicians. Seriously, everyone knows that China has been cheating, stealing and lying for decades. The only thing that has changed is the person in…
As Hong Kong Goes, So Goes the West
“China is pursuing the same goal that the American Left pursues: full governmental control of all citizens,” points out “Why Pay Attention to Hong Kong?” in an American Thinker article today. “The Left in America is powerful, and loud, and…
Beyond Meat… What’s In It??
Fake meat is on the menu. Count me out! I can tolerate the “veggie burger”, but manufactured meat is a bridge to far for me. One look at what is in it makes it unacceptable on my plate: Here’s what’s…
Who Made the Rules for the Struggle of Liberty?
Are you distressed that many in America are rapidly digressing from the principled, honorable standard of morality we once held? This standard produced an example of biblical morality that constructed one of the greatest civil documents of liberty the world…
Are Colleges Doing More Harm Than Good?
Education is returning more and more to the home. Homeschooling is on the rise. Self-education is making a comeback in the lives of people of all ages. Many no longer believe that learning is just for kids. The internet is…
The Longhorns Are Coming
To Rapid City, South Dakota. Trailers loaded with beautiful, big horned Longhorn cattle began arriving yesterday… from far away places. One from Oklahoma, another from Colorado, still others from as far away as Oregon and Texas. Longhorn Lovers are driving…
Trump Works For US
While the Theater of the Absurd that is the modern American political scene tries to turn the “swing and a miss” collusion conspiracy into a do-over in the best Congress money can buy, President Donald Trump continues to go quietly…
John Thune, Mike Rounds, Dusty Johnson… South Dakota is Watching
Don’t surrender our 2nd Amendment rights. We hear the arguments coming from the halls of Congress in support of “Red Flag” laws. We think they should be called “White Flag” laws. One of the most empty promises is that we…