Category: National News

National US News

Unrealistic expectations???

By Ed Randazzo The recent experience with the 2011 budget in Congress has led me to take a hard look at the realities we will be facing shortly regarding the debt limit negotiations. Fueled by the firepower of the tea…


Belatedly, let’s remember

Editor’s Note: When I saw this article written by Rich Grassi at The Tactical Wire, I realized that I too had not remembered the events of 4/19/1995 at Oklahoma City and I share this here with you.                                                                 *** I plead…


Obama……..against it before he was for it

Editor’s Note: The following article was written by L.J. Martin and first appeared in From The Pea Patch on 4/18/2011.                                                         *** In marked contrast to vows as a candidate not to use presidential signing statements as “an end run…
