Category: National News

National US News

Fired Congresswoman may run again

By Ed Randazzo In the state of South Dakota where even Democrats want to be known as Republicans, Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin said this week that she is considering running again for the US House seat from which she was recently fired…


Legislative intestinal fortitude

By Ed Randazzo On Thursday, SD Senator Mark Johnston indicated to the press that he would be introducing an amendment that would schedule a special election for voters to approve or reject a sales tax increase. That was a very…



By Ed Randazzo Many don’t understand the difference between a democracy and republic….we are a republic. Click on the link below and view the video which explains the difference.“


What can YOU do?

By Ed Randazzo APATHY has allowed our republican form of government to deteriorate to near socialism. Who would have thought 20 or even 10 years ago that our government would seek to force everyone to buy healthcare insurance and be involved…
