The United States of Europe might be a better name for the EU, patterned as it is after the USA, at least the socialist version. There is the same emphasis on welfare, open borders, and disempowering Judeo-Christianity–as well as centralized…
Category: National News
National US News
The Trump Ecomony
After more than 2 years, Trump “owns” the economy… for better or worse. Those intent on tearing him down find fault where there isn’t any. The old saying, “you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts”,…
Joe Biden Got It Right
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE WITH DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE JOE BIDEN; 100%!!!! I saw a video clip from his speech announcing his candidacy for President where Mr. Biden, with a look of grave seriousness on his face, and a very somber tone…
The Movie “Unplanned” Gives Insight To Dehumanizing Acts Like Sri Lanka
What do chattel slavery, the Nazi holocaust, global genocide, and the bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday have in common? By dehumanizing the victims, these horrific acts become tolerable and unobjectionable. The plantation owner thought the African was not…
The Ambassador Comes To Call
When my wife and I were students at Regent University working on our doctorates we often had gatherings at our large Victorian home in South Norfolk. I’ll never forget when a man from Africa attended for the first time. He arrived with…
Politics, Personalities and Policies
Is the conversation being blinded by hate? Are the facts swept under the carpet in political discussions? Probably. It would be helpful if we could start with the recognition that there are no “perfect” politicians. Neither will there be. All…
Killing Christians
Nearly 300 dead, 500 wounded in church bombing. This terrorist attack on Easter in Sri Lanka is just the latest attack on Christians. Muslims continue to kill Christians, with little outcry from the media. Other recent Muslim assaults on Christians…
A New Foundation For America
Leftists continue their mission to “transform” America. “Transformation” is a nice-sounding word, but it doesn’t accurately describe their mission. They are actually working very hard to DESTROY the foundational principals that made America great in the first place. The removal…
“Miss April”, 2019
Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss April”, 2019 “Miss April”, 2019, Featured by Longhorn News and Market Shamrock Eternal Flame 96.75” TTT, 116.75” TH Owned by Don and Rhonda Poe… In…
Who Weaponized The FBI?
With the release of the Mueller Report we finally have what should be the definitive word: There never was any collusion between President Trump or his campaign and the Russian government. After 675 days of investigation, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, and 500 witness…