Category: National News

National US News

America’s Frankenstein Culture

Remember the big flap when the undercover video from Project Veritas showed the leaders of Planned Parenthood callously talking about selling parts of aborted children?  This was exposed several times.  One federal judge even ruled that the videos were authentic and not deceptively edited.  Altogether Project Veritas released a dozen videosexposing…


Dusty’s Mistake

Dusty Johnson was sent to Washington DC to represent the people of South Dakota.  He’s the only representative we have, yes, the only one. President Trump was overwhelming supported by the South Dakota voters and during this current legislative session…


Hidden History

How soon we forget!   Where was this continuous investigative fever that exists today? Strangely it did not consume a nation and one political party from 2002 through 2016, The Obama Administration. During that time there were numerous mis-deeds and possible…


Senate Approves Infanticide

The Born-Alive bill is Dead. This bill would have required medical attention for children who survive an attempted abortion.  This really doesn’t come as any surprise.  Nearly all Democrats are consistent in their support for killing unborn… even newly born…


Venezuela is a Gun Free Zone

In 2012, private ownership of guns was taken away. Government officials insisted they “Must do more” to curb gun violence and murder. Under the law, only the army, police and certain groups like security companies are able to buy arms…
