Category: National News

National US News

Who Made This?

The amazing world we live in… Was it just an accident? Did human life really “evolve” from some sort of prehistoric organism? Is our ever-expanding universe the result of a cosmic explosion? Are the sun, moon, stars and planets hanging…


Can You Handle The Truth?

Truth is a precious commodity these days. Fortunately, there are still some people who understand and share the truth of the Gospel.  Pastor Les Potts is one of those.  He is a man who has dedicated his life to the…


Free Stuff

More true today than yesterday… I came across this video from a few years back (yes, I looked much younger then) that seemed to be appropriate for today.  You know, with the Green New Deal and all… the deal that,…


Inhumane Treatment Of Children

Will America continue to tolerate and celebrate?? This testimony before the Congressional Judiciary Committee expresses the position of Leftists abortion activists:   It’s hard to imagine how anyone could actually believe this procedure could be considered humane on ANY level.…
