America is slipping over a cliff. And there’s one man locked in mortal battle with the political, judicial, military, and media establishment trying to stop it. Ever since the election of 2016 the entire establishment has been trying to reverse…
Category: National News
National US News
Say Good-Bye To Your Cows
Either that, or train them not to pass gas. The “Green New Deal” being proposed by Leftists is just one of their many extremely hair brained ideas. Part of the original insanity was to eliminate cows. They just were not…
Abortion… There is Another Option
Adoption. While cheers and celebration were coming from New York, at the legalization of killing children up to the moment of birth, something else was stirring in Wyoming. A Wyoming attorney, Lisa Willhelm Kisling, posted this on facebook: “I am…
Miss February, 2019
Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss February”, 2019 200 percent is a Longhorn cow with exceptional horns, 90.25″ TTT with a beautiful rolling twist. Owned by Nancy Dunn, Rolling D Ranch In a world…
Women Wearing White
They were in uniform and in unity at the State of the Union Speech. Many of them looked very nice. What left the most lasting impression with me wasn’t how they were dressed. It was how they responded to some…
Tent Revival In Rapid City, South Dakota?
Well, maybe we can wait until spring! I just reviewed this conversation from a few years ago with Bishop Troy Carr. At that time, he had not been elevated to the office of Bishop, but from then to now, his…
Shortwave Radio Experience Returns at Radio.Garden
There was a time when the thrill of shortwave radio listening was synonymous with solitary learners who excitedly turned dials to listen to live locations all over the world. The hobby often branched off into ham radio and lifelong learning.…
Hardship Built Character During Ice Ages and Frontier
The recent government shutdown apparently surprised a lot of federal workers, at least those who agreed to appear as victims on national television. It seemed to reinforce the negative stereotype of bureaucratic flunkies who live from hand to mouth, unable…
America’s Choice: Capitalism or Socialism
Freedom or Tyranny. Life or abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy. Open borders or border security. Higher taxes or lower taxes. Government controlled health care or freedom to choose your own health care. Firearm confiscation/restriction or 2nd Amendment freedom.…
New Murder Capital Of America
New York. Now legal to kill unborn children… even at nine months. Words fail to describe how barbaric this is. The “Big Apple” has taken a big bite of the apple. By any definition, this is sin. After my first…