Category: National News

National US News

Miss October

Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. In a world filled with bad news, fighting and discord, beautiful Longhorn Cattle might provide a refreshing relief.  We are going to share these “Calendar Girls” with you too……


Presumption of Innocence in Peril

Well, not for everyone. Just for Conservatives. The presumption of innocence was thrown out the door by Leftists during the Kavanaugh hearings.  That really isn’t anything new.  BUT… it only applies to Conservatives.  Fellow Leftists get a complete pass on…


So… He’s The President

Melania Trump understands what is driving Leftists crazy. Watch the interview HERE  The First Lady was interviewed during her trip to Ghana, Melawi and Kenya.  She commented on Judge Kavanaugh and his qualifications, but declined to comment on his accuser’s…


The FBI Report Won’t Be Enough

Not for Democrats. Even though this makes a total of seven… yes, SEVEN… FBI investigations. The Kavanaugh confirmation process has never been about substance.  It is about Democrats pulling out the stops to keep him off the Supreme Court.  The…
