Category: National News

National US News

Lining Up The Liars

“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” Winston Churchill is credited with this quote.  Regardless of who said it, the accuracy of the statement is proving itself in the…


Modern-Day Gladiator Blood Sport

Watching a fight-to-the-death was great sport in ancient Rome. It is hard to imagine the depravity of a  “civilization” that would find that entertaining. Unfortunately, you don’t have to use your imagination much.  All you have to do is listen/watch…


911, We Remember

Evil knows no bounds. As we remember this attack by wicked men, we pray for the families of those who were murdered on this day.  We also remember with gratitude, the heroes of that day. God, please protect, preserve and…


The Face of the “New” Left

President John F. Kennedy would have been ashamed. So should other Democrats. Unfortunately, most of them aren’t. The latest (but certainly not the final) example of Leftist tactics has been demonstrated during the confirmation hearing of Judge Kavanaugh.. Disrupt, disparage,…


Public Schools are a “Dead End”

That’s a quote from US Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. Here are a few of her other “controversial” statements/positions: She prefers local control to determine if guns should be in schools for student protection. On school choice, ” more options help students…
