I enter the New Year counting my blessings. My God, my health and my family top the list. 2021 has certainly given plenty of challenges. 2022 will as well. Successful living demands that we find peace, joy and fulfillment in…
Category: National News
National US News
Media Misinformation
“The entire Congress was nearly killed in the January 6th attack on the Capital.” This statement (by a Republican official) went completely unchallenged by the Fox News anchor. It was followed by a former GOP official lamenting that Donald Trump…
Medical Options
Inexpensive, effective treatment has been vilified and mis-reported. Our government has spent Billions while dispensing fear, misinformation and mandates. You probably haven’t heard that India has a VERY low rate of Covid. They have used the same treatment I used.…
“Miss December”, 2021
Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss December”, 2021 featured by Longhorn News and Market. “Miss December”, 2021 featured by Longhorn News and Market. SHR Majestic Mermaid is owned by Helm Cattle Company. She is sleek,…
“Build Back Better”… Code for destroying American values
1684 pages of NEW Taxes, Spending And Government regulations/controls. Increased costs (and Government control) for day care & private schools will CRUSH young families already struggling under the Leftist inflation… skyrocketing costs on everything. In addition to tax INCREASES and…
Send Prosecuting Attorneys To Prison
The high profile trial of Kyle Rittenhouse demonstrates a serious need. Prosecuting attorneys have clearly overreached in their efforts to destroy this young man. One of the many problems with our system is that there isn’t much consequence when unscrupulous…
“Miss November”, 2021
Each month, Longhorn News and Market features a new “Calendar Girl”. Meet “Miss November”, 2021 featured by Longhorn News and Market. HR Rosette makes her home with Kent and Sandy at the Harrell Ranch. Her beautiful sweeping horns measure 96” ttt. http://www.harrellranch.com/Default.aspx?AnimalID=92619&Name=HRROSETTE…
From Your Pocket
Leftist policies are costing everyone more money… for everything. Day one of the Biden Administration saw the launch of the war against energy independence. Followed by the endorsement of the Russian Pipeline and cancelling the American Keystone Pipeline, prices on…
Ignoring the Facts
Leftists don’t mind destroying your life to preserve their political agenda. The Presidential assertion is, you will “Kill me with your Covid” if you don’t endorse the Leftist political agenda. Some facts they ignore: Vaccinated people can carry the virus…
Does ANYONE Believe This??
Trillions in spending. No Cost? Paid for? Tax Cut? This “Build Back Better” sales pitch requires a special kind of stupid. Still, all but perhaps two Democrats are in lock step to support it. Even though I heard Biden make…