Questionable Republican Behaviour

I got a message today from a concerned South Dakota citizen…

The misbehavior, misinformation and disregard for truth of Republicans is alarming!

I didn’t know just how bad it was until I visited the legislature this year after hearing about a constitutional carry bill failing and then watching two Reps from my Aberdeen area fail to stand and support Stacey Nelson’s smoke out of the nullification bill of federal gun laws.

Sen. Al Novstrup addressed our Brown County Republicans yesterday.  In reference to Obamacare he stated there was no exchange and both Gov. Rounds and Daugaard were staunch opponents of it. Both seem like lies to me, my understanding is the exchange is set up and we are waiting for the feds to take the keys so to speak. I am also currently engaging Jason Glodt on Rounds’ facebook page about his record on Obamacare and I need some help here.

-Would your “Health Care Freedom Act” that Rounds killed, have stopped anything? (Any teeth in it?) -Who actually signed off on accepting the initial $1 million planning grant in 2010 under Rounds and the $5.9 mil in 2012 under Daugaard?

Governor Rounds and Governor Daugaard have BOTH did everything they could to KILL any effort to STOP ObamaCare in South Dakota.  Both of them have been up to their eyeballs in government-run health care from the beginning, dating back to the early Rounds days.

Daugaard ObamaCare Position

South Dakota Health Care Exchange

History of Rounds-Daugaard Support For Gov’t Health Care

Health Care Deception

Who Is Telling The Truth?

The Health Care Freedom Act, which I introduced in 2010, would have made ObamaCare Null and Void in South Dakota.  Governor Rounds sent his chief of staff to the State Affairs committee hearing to testify against the bill, and lobbied to kill it.  Then Lt. Gov. Daugaard was silent on the issue.  When he became Governor, however, he found his voice.  He sent his Lt. Gov. with “talking points” to kill similar legislation.  Both Rounds and Daugaard have been STRONG in their opposition against any efforts to kill ObamaCare in South Dakota.

There is so much more information, but I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion on the issue.

Rounds and Daugaard might SAY they oppose ObamaCare, but their actions betray their rhetoric.

**Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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30 comments for “Questionable Republican Behaviour

  1. Al Novstrup
    April 17, 2013 at 11:35 am

    Gordon, Can you check with Rich Hilgemann and see if he wants to stand behind his accusation that I lied or did he plan to apologize to me for his misinformation? Calling someone a liar is a pretty serous accusation that demands an apology or proof. I have neither one from Rich Hilgemann as of today.

    • Gordon Howie
      April 18, 2013 at 5:25 am

      That’s certainly fair Al… Rich….. we are waiting??

    • Rich Hilgemann
      April 18, 2013 at 6:41 am

      I do apologize for the accusation about the exchange being set up. Upon further investigation that doesn’t seem to be true. It does appear that it was planned for and planned to be set up for almost two years and just recently Daugaard realized the political suicide waiting inside like the funding of abortion and other terrible federal mandates. Gordon has proved you wrong though alleging the Governor is a staunch opponent of the law; in fact the last two haven’t been too opposed. Whereas other states didn’t even accept the initial planning grant and are that much further away from Obamacare implimentation. Here is one of the links I was basing my judgement on the exchange status that we were going to plan and set this thing up and then hand the keys to the feds and let them run it…

      • Disgusted Republican
        April 18, 2013 at 1:45 pm

        Al is a nice guy. He is no conservative though and his son votes more often with Bernie Hunhoff than actual Republicans.

        Good to see the wool wasn’t pulled over Rich’s eyes.

        Does anybody else truly get how slimy it is to claim to be opposed to Obamacare at the same time Daugaard sponsored 2011’s SB 38 & 43 which enacted major portions of it? Real way of opposing it, by enacting it..

        I heard rumor the other day that Daugaard was in fact a Chicago lawyer for a long time. A) Is that true? B) Did he work with Obama? C) Was he a Democrat when he was doing so?

        • Al Novstrup
          April 18, 2013 at 6:38 pm

          Disgusted Republican, please take your meds soon. Best wishes as I know your daily challenges are great.

    • Rich Hilgemann
      April 18, 2013 at 1:34 pm

      According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human services here ( ) the $5.9 million dollars represents “Level 1” implementation; which equates to a design, financial management, and further planning. I didn’t know that it remains unspent and implementation had been halted. Really I haven’t seen any proof it won’t be spent; just have to take you at your word along with the couple others I have asked about these moneys. When you look at other states ( )a level 2 represents setting up the IT systems and actual infrastructure being set up. Alaska didn’t take any planning money, and a lot of red states stopped at the initial $1 million planning grant. I really would like to get to the bottom of that $5.9 million with questions like: Who applied for the money in the first place? How do we ensure it isn’t used to further implement Obamacare?

  2. Al Novstrup
    April 14, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    I pledge to support and vote for the most conservative candidate on the ballot.

    Bob, Gordon, Rich, Ed, Can I depend on you to do the same?

    • Gordon Howie
      April 14, 2013 at 4:51 pm

      My short answer, Al… NOPE!
      If the “most conservative” candidate (let’s assume it’s a Republican) supports… for instance, Gay marriage, abortion and gun control, I won’t be supporting him/her. There are some issues on which we must NOT compromise. I believe we are better off with a liberal Democrat in office than a liberal Republican. If the candidate I describe above supports lower taxes and less government spending (which could make him/her the “most conservative”) I will most likely support the candidate of the opposing party or not vote at all.
      I respect the opinion of those who don’t agree with me on this, but I am simply not willing to give any support or vote for someone who does not defend the unborn, our 2nd amendment rights and traditional family values. I would encourage you not to make your pledge to quickly. You could regret it later if the wrong candidate is on the ballot.

      • Al Novstrup
        April 14, 2013 at 7:23 pm

        Gordon, I agree there are non-negotiable issues. I will look at all the issues and put greater weight on some. You and I agree on those issues and the importance of those issues.
        Let’s go to real world example: Obama versus McCain. McCain in many ways doesn’t match our values but I believe McCain would do less harm than Obama. I voted for McCain. The alternative would be to not vote and allow more damage to our country. I also did what I could to elect the flawed candidate McCain. (but less flawed than Obama)

        • Al Novstrup
          April 14, 2013 at 7:28 pm

          Gordon, whenever i post I get an message that says,

          “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

          So then I wait for you, Gordon Howie, the moderate, to respond.
          I knew you were a moderate and not I have proof.

          • Gordon Howie
            April 15, 2013 at 7:27 am

            I guess you’ve got me there!! Actually, we have several “moderators” and I haven’t seen any moderate traits in any of them.. maybe we should change the message to read “your comment is awaiting conservative evaluation”.

        • Gordon Howie
          April 15, 2013 at 7:26 am

          I am not sure it did any good, but I held my nose and voted for both McCain and Romney. Both were moderates who lost, in my opinion, because they were typical, moderate Republicans. I think it’s time we NOMINATE and then elect people who are true conservatives, rather than who the Republican elite “think” has the best chance of winning.

    • April 14, 2013 at 5:44 pm

      That depends on whether the “most conservative candidate on the ballot” is selling out several conservative values, or perhaps a few critical ones. That’s something I’ll have to evaluate when the time comes.

      Frankly I’m sick and tired of worthless sellout “Republicans” who make a mockery of the GOP platform and Republican values. I’m sick and tired of people who spit on my values and the values of their chosen party, then expect people who do believe in those values to vote for their sorry hides. I’m sick and tired of being taken for granted by charlatans and frauds who, at best, only play at being Republican.

      I don’t think it’s too much to ask that someone who wants to hold elected office under the banner of Republican values should actually uphold those values boldly and without exception.

      I wouldn’t give my business to a dentist who advised eating lots of candy and not brushing. I wouldn’t give my business to a substance abuse counselor who did lines of coke on his desk while counseling patients. I wouldn’t support a MADD president who sometimes drank and drove. I wouldn’t support an athlete who sometimes ran plays for the opposing team.

      And I’ve darn sure had enough of gutless sellout “Republicans” who oppose Republican policy positions and advance liberal ones.

  3. Al Novstrup
    April 14, 2013 at 3:25 pm

    I had a chance to confirm the facts:

    • The Feds are setting up the Exchange for about 30 states, including SD that refused to create a state-run exchange.
    • The Obama Care Exchange will be a computer software program. The federal government is driving this train without our blessing.
    • South Dakota will continue to have an Insurance Division within the SD Department of Labor.
    • South Dakota has not entered into any partnership with the federal government concerning Obama Care.
    • The $5.9 million is largely unspent. We can hold onto it for future expenses that we may be forced to do by federal regulations or we can send it back to President Obama. I believe we will be forced to integrate our current Medicaid program with the Exchange. We can ask the taxpayers of SD to pay for this federal mandate or we can ask the taxpayers of the US to cover future federal mandates.

    These are not my opinions but rock solid facts.

  4. Al Novstrup
    April 13, 2013 at 11:34 pm

    Rich Hilgemann, Here is your quote, “Both seem like lies to me, my understanding is the exchange is set up and we are waiting for the feds to take the keys so to speak.”

    Well, Rich, “Seems like a lie is a little vague.” Feels like a lie is not good enough to accuse someone of lying.

    Either I lied or I didn’t. Which is it?

    • Gordon Howie
      April 14, 2013 at 7:24 am

      Senator Novstrup is a truthful, honorable man. In my opinion, he has occaisionally been misinformed (smile), but never intentionally misled anyone. I have known liars… some in politics… Al isn’t one of them!!

      There has been a lot of mis-information and mis-direction distributed by those who are invested in ObamaCare. None of us are imune from the influence of that, but I hope we can have a factual, reasoned discussion that will present the truth.

  5. Al Novstrup
    April 12, 2013 at 9:20 pm

    Rich, disappointed.

    Disgusted Republican, Are you calling me dishonest?

    • Gordon Howie
      April 13, 2013 at 5:56 am

      Just for the record… I know Senator Novstrup to be an honorable, honest man. As his seat mate in the Senate, I can say I know him well. He is someone I trust, even when we have had disagreements on some issues. He is a friend who deserves respect as a committed public servant.

    • Rich Hilgemann
      April 18, 2013 at 7:39 am

      Here is a government site that shows we could have done less as well… You are right! There is no exchange set up right now.

  6. Al Novstrup
    April 12, 2013 at 9:08 pm

    How do you explain this:

    It says SD in not participating in ObamaCare.

    • Gordon Howie
      April 13, 2013 at 6:13 am

      Al, If Rounds and Daugaard are STRONG opponnents of ObamaCare, why did rounds lobby to kill the Health Care Freedom Act in 2010, which would have nullified ObamaCare in SD? Why did Daugaard send his Lt Gov with “talking points” to kill similar legislation? If Daugaard is a strong opponnent, why hasn’t he, like some other Governors just said NO enstead of taking $6.8 million dollars of ObamaCare money (he actually APPLIED for it… REQUESTED it), and why does he say SD will “co-operate” with the Federal government on ObamaCare rather than oppose the Federal government on ObamaCare? What are we missing here? it looks like they are saying one thing for public consumption, and working to oppose any efforts to actually STOP government-run health care (ObamaCare)….

      • Al Novstrup
        April 13, 2013 at 11:17 am

        Gordon, as you remember, I voted Yes on the Health Care Freedom Act of 2010. So I am not be the person to defend a No vote.

        I did go back and listen to the committee testimony. The No advocates said the bill wasn’t necessary and accomplished nothing.
        You gave a rebuttal that asked, “What harm can be done if the opponents are right?” and some good will be done if they are wrong.
        I agreed with you then with my Yes vote and I agree with you today.

        Reagan said, “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally — not a 20 percent traitor,”

        We as conservatives need to remember and practice it. Although, Gordon, we may have to decrease the 80% to keep you in the flock as you no longer have a seat mate to ask for guidance. (Said with a smile from a friend)

        • Gordon Howie
          April 13, 2013 at 4:57 pm

          As always, your input is welcome and your friendship treasured. I do remember your “yes” vote.. Still gratefull for that!

      • April 13, 2013 at 3:11 pm

        That’s really what it comes down to, Gordon. Gov. Daugaard and former Gov. Rounds can spew all the good-sounding lies they want to, but when it comes to actions, they act like a typical big-government liberal. If the talk is different than the walk, the talk is pure BS. Which is all we’ve got out of the Daugaard Administration. Apparently some “Republicans” like a diet of BS. I am not one of them.

  7. Al Novstrup
    April 12, 2013 at 9:05 pm

    The facts:
    1. South Dakota will not run an ObamaCare Exchange.
    2. SD will continue to have a Division of Insurance, that will continue to regulate insurance as it has over the last fifty plus years.


    1. Show me in state law and state rules where an exchange is established?
    2. Show me the line item in the state budget that funds ObamaCare in SD?
    3. It would take hundred of state employees to run ObamaCare in SD, give me the name of one of them.

    • Gordon Howie
      April 13, 2013 at 6:04 am

      Al, maybe you can help clear up a couple things… What does Tresa Bray do and what is her title? What is her job description these days? We know that Daugaard spent most of the first million dollars of ObamaCare money he requested from the Feds. Where is the additional $5.8 million he applied for and recieved, and what is being done with it? Why have they not sent it back?

      • Al Novstrup
        April 13, 2013 at 12:52 pm

        Money in a State of SD checking account is more likely to be spent wisely than money in a federal checking account. Let me get you updated info on that.

  8. Al Novstrup
    April 12, 2013 at 8:47 pm

    Here is a link to the State of SD and my position:

    Here is the copy and paste:

    Final Exchange
    Decision Reached
    Governor Dennis Daugaard decided
    South Dakota would not be
    establishing a state-based exchange
    under the Patient Protection and
    Affordable Care Act. Therefore, it
    will be the federal government’s
    responsibility to establish and
    maintain insurance exchanges in this
    state. However, South Dakota does
    intend to maintain state regulatory
    authority over the health insurance
    market through the performance of
    plan management activities.

  9. Gordon Howie
    April 12, 2013 at 12:02 pm

    Another message from my friend….
    I found an independent source that corroborates your narrative… Note under “Exchange Funding” – “The South Dakota Office of the Governor received a federal Exchange Planning grant” …. Here is the link.

  10. Disgusted Republican
    April 12, 2013 at 9:13 am

    Thank you for all you do! South Dakotans are blessed to have you blowing the whistle on these dishonest politicians. Let’s pray that people wake up and see the snakes that are betraying them.

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