Sick Of Leadership In Both Parties

Thoughtful Democrats and Republicans are finding common ground.

They are fed up with their own party leadership!

We seem to hear more about the challenge within the Republican party than the Democrat party, but the fact is that reasonable people in both parties have had enough of the name calling and self-promoting agenda of their party leaders.

Ronald Reagan challenged the Republican establishment and reached out to Democrats.  He didn’t compromise his principles.  His success was based on presenting facts and enlisting the help of the American people to pressure the “establishment” leaders of both parties to move in the right direction.

In Republican politics, everyone calls themselves “conservative” or a “Reagan Republican”.  Unfortunately, many of these leaders don’t have a clue when it comes to following his prescription of smaller  government, lower taxes and traditional American values.  They also don’t get it, when it comes to reaching out to Democrats and Independents who share many of the fundamental Reagan objectives.

Most people in America today are concerned about the over-reach of government into areas like health care and education.  They are alarmed by the overspending and escalating debt.  Democrats and Republicans have concerns about the safety and well-being of their families in a world where terrorists want to destroy us.

Leaders in BOTH parties have failed us.  That might be why the largest growth in voter registration in many regions is Independent.  These voters have not abandoned their principles.  Principle is, in fact, why they are registering as Independent, or supporting candidates who are not part of the “establishment” in either party.  Democrats and Republicans are willing to support candidates who do not “fit the mold”, because they see the value in electing principled men and women rather than partisan politicians with records of growing government and increasing taxes.

The NEW American leaders  may be chosen based on PRINCIPLE, not Party or personality.


***Gordon Howie is an author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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