Jeff Flake: $3.7 Billion Immigration “Crisis” Request Not What It Seems
According to Arizona’s US Senator Jeff Flake, the administration’s request for $3.7 billion to deal with the current immigration crisis isn’t what it appears to be. Most of the money will really go to the Department of Health and Human Services to absorb the new arrivals from Central America into the US mainstream, he suggests.
There should be no surprise about federal motives. Government will grow, but so will the legal profession since each case will be adjudicated at great expense to middle-class taxpayers. The poor and the rich won’t have to worry about lost revenue. This approach is in keeping with treating wars and aggression as if they were the same as police actions, with calm “professional” law enforcement officers carefully reading rights with measured logic.
If gangs and cartels are wreaking havoc in Central America, shouldn’t the US suspend all self-defeating rules of engagement to deal with the problem? Wars are fought overseas so that fighting won’t have to inconvenience citizens back home. Is such immigration any different?
Children, of course, are afforded no challenge status in the media today, along with all other protected classes. Race cards silence all critics, don’t they? But where will the line be drawn? And aren’t deserving impoverished adults from around the world just as deserving of largesse and pursuit of the American Dream? Boatloads of Africans are daily attempting to cross the Mediterranean into Europe. If Italy doesn’t want them, should they be encouraged to come to the US? Or should they just send their children?
Flake notes that “the influx of children has been caused by a 2012 executive order by President Barack Obama that gave hope that the children would be granted some form of legal status.” It’s easy to see that any illegal immigrant can claim refugee status, just as any criminal can argue for a mental illness exemption. $3.7 billion will be wasted, Flake implies, with little guarantee that the borders will be secured:
“As soon as we actually take a planeload of children and go back to Guatemala and El Salvador and Honduras, that’s what will stop it,” Flake told Fox News. “When a parent or relative in those countries who just paid . . . up to $7,000 to a smuggler to take that child into the country, when they see those planeloads of the kids coming back, it will stop.”