I Hope So

How many times have you spoken the words ‘I hope so’?

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Perhaps it was for an ill friend to get better, a job you have applied for or someone special to come and visit. To a large extent we seem to live on hope and as Proverbs 13:12 tells us when the hope goes unfilled we become heart sick. The reason being that hope is such an integral part of our spiritual life along with the other two divine virtues of ‘faith’ and ‘love’. In order for our spirit to be truly filled it requires as much Hope, Faith and Love as your soul will allow.

So what makes hope so special. First of all hope is the essence of courage that allows us to face whatever comes our way. We see that develop in times of tribulation where by persevering we build character and out of it comes hope. In a society such as ours where moral truth seems absent from those who govern and carry the largest purses opher adwe must continue in hope as believers for our hope rests not in mankind but in Jesus Christ as we are told in Romans 8:23. The key to this is that we remain patient as God’s plan unfolds before our very eyes.

Hope is also special because it allows for true and meaningful joy in our lives. We can with hope look at circumstances and remaining patient and prayerful rejoice at what is taking place (Rom 12:12) for we know through God’s Word “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey once infamously said. In other words through hope we know how the story of life ends unlike those who feel mankind knows better. What this does is it provides stability in our lives (Colossians 1:23). As Paul shared our stability comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Daily we must be in God’s Word and in communication with Him in order to lead a stable life.

What a wonderful feeling it is when in each moment of life that has been given us by God we can be assured that salvation is ours. God is in charge and through our hope in God we will be purified (1 John 3:3) for all eternity. It is not a matter of I HOPE SO but I KNOW SO.

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Hope happens as Christians grow in holiness.

DEVOTIONAL VERSE FOR TODAY: Proverbs 13:12 “Reason not to delay in finding hope”.

PRAYER FOR TODAY: Lord thank you for my hope in You.


1. For what do you hope?

2. Where is the need for hope most evident in our world today?

3. What gives you stability in a confusing world?

4. How has hope changed your life?

RELATED BLOGS: Fuel for the Soul! and Are you hope less?

*** Gary Jerke *** Is a  former State Representative, author and Life and Liberty News contributor

gary jerke


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