Number of Illegal Immigrants in South Dakota

What’s your best estimate of the number of illegal immigrants who are present in South Dakota on any given day? In your city or county?

“Border issues bring ‘gangbangers’ and ‘black wind of death’ to U.S.” said South Dakota Senator Stace Nelson earlier this year. He insightfully adds that ”We are a border state because the crimes that are coming into the United States as the result of the porous southern border affect every one of our constituents.”

     To be sure, the US is no better off than the EU when it comes open borders. Those entering illegally can spread across the country unchallenged. Remaining “off the grid” has lots of advantages, being central to the prepper survival literature genre now thriving on Amazon. Selling like hotcakes.

     The buyers, however, are more likely to be squared-away conservatives who choose to read rather than watch television. They are future-oriented, like Senator Nelson. Danger IS unfolding across America, but brought to us by those from Third World countries with little to lose.

     It’s been a while now since a younger Charles Schumer told the Wall Street Journal that “legislation is needed ‘to solve the problem of millions of foreigners who live here illegally and unprotected’ as well as ‘to alleviate the problem of the millions more who enter illegally every year.'”

     No dummy, Schumer “kept his estimate of the number of illegal immigrants vague because no one knows for sure how many are really here…’Nor can anyone give a reliable estimate of how fast that unknown figure is growing each year.'” It was a win-win for the Democrats because this criminal underclass could grow like a cancer beyond the pale of government statisticians. Eventually adjusted to the welfare society, these same individuals would be Democratic Party loyalists.

     In short, there can be no reliable counting of the number of illegal immigrants anywhere, as Austin Ruse has made clear in Fake Science: Exposing the Left’s Skewed Statistics, Fuzzy Facts, and Dodgy Data, reviewed here on March 21. Statisticians come out of leftist universities, taught by leftist social scientists, so “We can’t let ourselves be intimidated by ‘science.’ What purports to be science is often really leftist narrative, skewed statistics, or simply wrong. Touted experts are frequently ideologues twisting the real facts to fit their agenda.”

     South Dakota may see an influx of illegal migrants for many reasons. The naive character of the state still makes cheap labor appealing to companies and consumers. In addition, Democrats and establishment GOP are doing their best to throw a protective arm around this newly protected class, providing the social infrastructure that’s needed: welcoming homeless shelters, assistance with bill paying, and other welfare benefits at every turn.

     Even so, illegal immigrants won’t have to be counted until they actually begin voting. Meanwhile, they can listen to Radio Bakwas located just north of Rapid City in Belfield, North Dakota, as make possible free of charge.


1 comment for “Number of Illegal Immigrants in South Dakota

  1. andy
    April 10, 2019 at 10:52 pm

    Based on official US government statistics, I estimate there are less than 2,000 illegal immigrants in SD on any given day.

    But you don’t trust statistics, official or otherwise, so let’s try another approach. How many illegal immigrants have you personally encountered in SD in the last year?

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