Definition of Assault Weapon

What, exactly, is an assault weapon?

“Whatever semiautomatic firearm the Secretary of the Treasury declares to be an assault weapon.”

That statement alone should concern every law abiding gun owner.

An article by David B. Kopel, penned in late 2018 explains some of the many problems with gun bans promoted by Leftists.  Kopel follows this excerpt with some further commentary,  “The principle of administrative prohibition was contained in the U.S. Senate’s first “assault weapons” bill by Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) in 1989. Because semiautomatics account for most handguns and a large share of rifles and shotguns, the potential scope of this administrative power would be vast. Where administrative bans are allowed, as in Massachusetts, they have been implemented vigorously.”

The term “assault weapon” has a nasty sound.  It is specifically designed and used to paint a mental picture that would garner support for gun bans, regulation and confiscation.  The problem is, that when you dig deeper, you discover it includes a LOT more guns than you imagined.  Kopel’s article does a pretty good job of providing further explanation.

Gun control laws have some similarity to sin:  It takes you farther than you expected to go, keeps you longer than you wanted to stay and costs you more than you wanted to pay.  It is not a good move to start down the long road of sin… or gun control.  Neither will end well or accomplish what you hoped.

At the end of the day, gun bans, regulation and confiscation won’t solve the evil that propels mankind to commit acts of violence.  Evil will find a way.  Law abiding gun owners don’t need government intervention.

The Leftist definition of “assault weapon” is a moving target.

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media

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