Government-funded sex education programs in US schools are shifting away from abstinence-only for the first time in more than a decade.
A five-year, $375 million grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services is being shared among 28 programs that have shown they lower pregnancy rates regardless of their strategies, the Associated Press reported. Many also distribute condoms.
Another government program destined for success (NOT!)
The government that produced our current economic meltdown, the takeover of private companies, runs (?) the US Post Office and bankrupted Social Security is set to begin a 5 year, $375 MILLION DOLLAR sex education program in our nation’s schools. As much as they have screwed up everything else (pun intended), perhaps THEY should be the ones to get some education.
This program trashes abstinence only, focuses on academics, extracurricular activities (no surprise there), the job status of the parents (what…?????) and distributes condoms. It claims to be an “above the waist” program. I am not sure then, why they distribute condoms….. Estimates say that abstinence programs serving a million teens will loose millions in funding.
We must stop this march in the wrong direction, brought to us by the same people who removed the Ten Commandments and prayer from school and want to erase the mention of God from every fiber of our society. This government of ours, in the hands of liberal lunatics are simply marching us to the gallows. I pray that Christians will become engaged soon. If they will pray and vote, there is still hope for this Nation.
Gordon Howie-Rapid City, SD
I am not really sure if best practices have emerged around things like that, but I am sure that your great job is clearly identified. I was wondering if you offer any subscription to your RSS feeds as I would be very interested and can’t find any link to subscribe here.
It does seem to be that everybody can be into this kind of things lately. Don’t actually understand it even though, but thanks for looking to explain it. Take pleasure in you shedding lighting into this issue. Keep it up
President Obama is simply restoring some federal programs Bush supressed to apease the fundamentalists. Stem cell research is being opened up. There should be a steady trickle of “moral decay” for the next couple of years.
Where did you find this info from? I’ve read a few articles like this but haven’t seen this info before.
A few sources include, Associated Press on 10/1 and CBN News.
Who would want to let facts get in the way here. Only those who are really pushing their religious agendas, and put that before the real issue, that is reducing teen pregnancies and abortions. These programs have been proven to lower the incidence of teen pregnancy. Abstinence only has not. Abstinence only education should go the way of the dinosaur.
Is that your solution? Condoms and moral decay?
Did you abstain from sex until you were married Ed? Don’t lie, Jesus Christ is watching you……
PRAISE GOD. He is watching me and He sent His Son Jesus Christ, My Lord and Redeemer to this world where He suffered and died for my sins and conquered death through His Resurrection and He lives today in my life. Through Him I will have everlasting life in heaven. I do not confess my sins to you but I will witness that I sinned in that I did not abstain from premarital sex. The stain of that sin was washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ. But my witness and that fact has nothing whatever to do with the teaching of abstinence only in sex education. Because I have sinned, it does not relieve my responsibility to proclaim the right way to my children and to all God’s children. I have also stolen in my life. Does this relieve me of my responsibility to teach honesty, trust and righteousness to my children? I think not.
Do as I say, not as I do or did really doesn’t workwell with kids, or anyone for that matter. Thanks for being honest though. For the record I didn’t wait until marriage either. And I can’t really say I know anyone who did. But I know plenty of folks who became pregnant in high school and had to get married, or have abortions. Surely you can appreciate the reduction in abortions this type of education has. At least I hope you can.