Obama’s Economic Ignorance

Obama’s Economic Ignorance

Not long ago there was speculation that President Obama was not a native born citizen. I was not a “birther” but I am beginning to think that he is either an alien (as in extraterrestrial) or he is just an economic ignoramus with a bloated ego who has surrounded himself with even more economic ignoramuses. (Merriam-Webster says that is correct)

On Tuesday in a speech before the American Legion annual conference in Minneapolis, he equated partisan gridlock in Washington with a failure of patriotism. In Obama’s world it is not possible that he is wrong, but in the real world in which we live, he is.  It is also not possible in his self-centered world that others may have it right, so he must demonize them by labeling them as unpatriotic.

The fact is that after 31 months of his economic “solutions,” we are poised on the precipice of a double-dip recession.  His policies and the advice of his advisors have brought us 9.1% unemployment. Is that not economic ignorance?

Now Obama wants us to believe that he has the “solution” to the unemployment crisis…..more and bigger government!!!

His “solution” is expected to be putting people back to work rebuilding roads, bridges and schools. The result of his fine Ivy League education and his vast experience as a community organizer he somehow missed the fact that it is private industry that will create the jobs necessary to work our way out of the economic abyss.

He said, “We have to break the gridlock in Washington that’s been preventing us from taking the action we need to get this economy moving,”  In reality, it is the gridlock that will hopefully spare us from more economic damage resulting from his economic ignorance.

The remarks offer a preview of the debates to come when Congress returns, a season that starts with Obama’s unveiling of his jobs strategy sometime next week. Obama is said to be deep in consultations with his advisors right now, putting together a jobs package and a sales campaign he hopes will galvanize the American people behind him.

We don’t need a sales campaign, we need jobs. We don’t need another stimulus spending package, especially one that would require us to borrow the money to implement. And we certainly don’t need a “balanced approach” to the debt crisis which would increase taxes on the very entrepreneurs that would create the jobs we need.

Obama’s economic ignorance reigns at the White House.
