Some alarm bells have been sounded about this bill. Some have questioned Sen. John Thune’s sponsorship of such legislation.
One place to begin our evaluation is to ask ourselves the question, “Is Sen. Thune one of them or one of us?” If you believe, as I do, that he is a freedom minded American then perhaps we should look more closely.
The Obama administration has persisted in putting Americans at risk with things such as reading Miranda rights to suspected terrorists rather than conducting a comprehensive interrogation. They have persisted in lecturing America and protecting the “rights” of terrorists.
This bill could have the effect of bringing the administration and other tree hugging, terrorist loving Politicians out from behind their cover. Debate over this bill could “separate the men from the boys”!
Wouldn’t it be nice to hear REAL debate on an issue of such importance to the security of our Nation?
Could it be that the introduction of this bill is intended to force that debate, thus giving the American public an opportunity to hear and be heard? Wouldn’t it be nice to see and hear for ourselves where our leaders are on this issue?
Having been in the State House and Senate, I can tell you personally that there are times when things are not really as they appear at first glance. For now, I’ll give Sen. Thune the benefit of the doubt.
Gordon Howie
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I really enjoyed your blog US SENATE BILL S.3081-ENEMY BELLIGERENT INTERROGATION, DETENTION, AND PROSECUTION ACT OF 2010 » . . . . . . . . The Right Side Blog. I look forward to reading more of your writings.
I too, would have liked to have seen different legislation drafted. I am hopeful this will look much better at the end than at the beginning!!
Given his alliance with Senator John McCain, Senator Thune has placed himself firmly in the camp of security over liberty. A debate, as you mention, could be started with much less draconian legislation than this.
I think Benjamin Franklin said it best “Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither”.