And looking at performance. Important issues for me: Defending unborn children, protecting our border, finishing the wall, lower taxes, less regulation, responsible oil & gas production, preserving my Christian faith, opening our economy, school choice, gun ownership, support for Israel,…
Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes
It’s an old line, resurrected by the by the Leftist Media… “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes? Biden “rallies” generally struggle to draw a crowd of more than a couple dozen, to watch their low…
3rd Quarter GDP Growth 33.1%
33.1% This is the highest gain in GDP in the entire history of our country. And this is DURING a pandemic that has been brutal to the national economy. Early estimates were that the GDP would actually LOSE 3%. So…
Born Again
The choice is simple, the consequences eternal. You will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. You get to choose. The book of John (NASB) recounts an encounter between Nicodemus and Jesus. Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus,…
Covid Vaccine Linked to Abortion
Maybe you haven’t heard. The short story is that the vaccines being developed and tested are using cells derived from fetal tissue of aborted children. Beyond that fact, there are some interesting twists and turns. In 2019, the Trump Administration…
Real Statistics on Covid-19
Covid death statistics can sound VERY alarming. Let’s take a closer look at South Dakota yearly cause of death statistics. Not to diminish the seriousness of Covid, but to provide some perspective. This information is available at Heart Disease…