Today I called my family doctor for an appointment. I haven’t had a physical wellness examination for a couple of years. Everything was going fine. One appointment for the blood work and another scheduled a few days later for the…
Another Broken Obama Promise
The latest annual Kaiser Family Foundation employee health benefits survey confirms another broken Obama promise. During the 2008 campaign, the Liar-In-Chief made one very specific promise to voters: He would cut health insurance premiums for families by $2,500, and do so…
The Real War On Women
Democrats insist that Republicans are waging a war on women. Janette McIntyre believes that women have actually waged their own “war on women”. The imagined war on women alleged by Democrats is nothing more than a campaign ploy. The battle Janette…
Liberals Less Interested in Election 2012
A recent Gallup poll revealed that liberals are less interested in political media coverage of Election 2012. Gallup noted that: “Republicans are the partisan group most likely to be paying close attention to news about national politics, with the 48%…
Is Grassroots “Live Performance” Returning to America?
The Lyceum and Chautauqua flourished in America before Big Media in the form of radio, television, and motion pictures took over. People went to lectures to hear Emerson and Thoreau in person during a time when “continuing education” for adults…
House Moves to Block Obama’s Welfare Work Waiver
On Thursday, the US House struck the first blow to block Obama’s welfare work waiver from full implementation. The House voted 250-164 to reject this illegal overreach with 19 Democrats voting with the Republican majority. In Obama’s regime the modus operandi…