(“Because he who dies with the most stuff, wins”) Go to most stock brokers today and the advice will be pretty consistent. Making as much money as possible is the only thing that matters. All else be damned, including cultural…
The People’s Court Is Now In Session
Chief Justice Morgan gives his opinion on the recent post card mailing by unhappy Republicans in South Dakota.
War Against The Republican Party
Yesterday a Republican Party official told me they think I have “declared war” on the Republican Party. I’m not surprised that is what they THINK, but I was a bit surprised to hear one of them SAY it! The Liberty Lunch…
Only Social Conservatives Can Lead America Out of Decline
In 2008 the Democrats won everything by moving the party boldly to the left. The entitlement society in America followed the lead of welfare-steeped Europe. Once “free” disability checks and food stamps start rolling in, people will never return…
Don’t Miss The Liberty Lunch
Will Napoli Run For US Senate?
The race for Tim Johnson’s US Senate seat seems to be between former Governor Mike Rounds and Congresswoman Kristi Noem. But WAIT…. is there a surprise in the making?? ***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today…