Wa$ting Billion$

It’s a cult led by people flying private jets, who want you to car-pool. Climate Control… a Leftist fantasy that taxes & spends BILLIONS! Park their Planes at the voting booth!! *** Gordon Howie *** is a former SD State Senator, an…


Economic Disaster

In less than 2 years, Leftists have crashed our booming economy. We can only wonder how much worse they will make it before we can remove them from power. The mid-term election may be our last, best hope!! *** Gordon Howie ***…


China Connection

Democrats: “Nothing to see here”. Millions of $$$ from China to the Biden family, Hunters laptop and emails. The evidence is in plain sight. Leftists refuse to deal with it. It’s the tip of the iceberg. *** Gordon Howie *** is a…
