If You Like ObamaCare You’ll Love Mike Rounds

It’s official now, Mike Rounds wants to be “your” Senator.

What he doesn’t want you to know is that he supports ObamaCare.

In fact, as Governor, Rounds has worked along side Tom Daschel for years in support of government run health care.

In 2010, I introduced the Health Care Freedom Act in the South Dakota Senate. It was a very simple bill which made ObamaCare null and void in South Dakota. Had it passed, the Health Care Freedom Act would have said “NO” to ObamaCare.

Mike Rounds was effective in killing the Health Care Freedom Act. He sent his chief of staff to the Senate State Affairs Committee hearing to kill the bill. While I was successful in getting the bill passed by the committee, Rounds was effective in killing it on the Senate floor.

Joining with Democrats to embrace ObamaCare makes it a virtual certainty that Rounds will be the next Senator from South Dakota unless someone stops him in the Primary. The question is who? Congresswoman Noem is being pretty quiet on the subject for now. Conservatives hope she breaks that silence soon, and enters the race.

If there is any hope in defeating Rounds beyond the primary, it could be with a third party conservative in the general election. A strong conservative could stand a chance to actually win against a Democrat and a liberal Republican in South Dakota. At first glance, however, it seems like something of a long shot. If Noem or some other strong conservative does not enter the primary, the third party conservative candidate might be our last, best hope.

At issue here is the question about Round’s conservative credentials. I know conservatives. Conservatives are friends of mine. Mike Rounds is no conservative.

Many people argue that a third party candidate would only give the race to the Democrat. The best scenario is that in a three way race, the conservative third party candidate could win. If a three way race favors the Democrat, that’s at least the second best option.

Better to have a liberal Democrat elected, than a liberal Republican pretending to be a conservative.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

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