America Funds Muslim Brotherhood

Secretary of State John Kerry just gave Egyptian President, Mohammad Morsi $250 Million dollars.


Is this direct funding of the Muslim Brotherhood?

Consider the remarks of the Egyptian president who calls Jews “blood-suckers” who are “descendants of apes and pigs”; Morsi unequivocally supports the Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, because the two-state solution is “nothing but an illusion” and the Palestinian Authority “was created by the Zionist and American enemies for the sole purpose of opposing the will of the Palestinian people and its interests”; and he calls on fellow Muslims to “besiege the Zionists wherever they are.”

Does this represent the attitude of an administration supportive of our longtime friend and ally, Israel?

One quarter of a Billion dollars seems like a lot of money, at a time when Obama is complaining about the spending reductions of the sequestration deal.  Let’s remember that those are NOT cuts in spending… just a small reduction in the GROWTH of spending.

In addition to this stack of American money, another $1.760 billion of taxpayer funding has been used to further enhance the Muslim Brotherhood’s military capability by sending tanks and F-16 fighter jets.

So, who… and what, is Obama supporting with American tax dollars?  This video provides some valuable insight:

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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