Mass Murder Kills 120 People

You probably haven’t heard about it.

The media is quick to report the killing of 40 Muslims.  That certainly is a tragedy which is newsworthy, but those are not the murders I am talking about here.

Something that should also concern us are the UNREPORTED murders.  Multiple slaughters of Christians (at the hands of Muslims) take place without a peep from the media.  Those stories apparently do not fit the narrative or agenda of Leftists.  Conservatives and Christians alike, are the adversaries of the media and Leftists.  Under reporting, mis-reporting or NOT reporting is the order of the day.

Radical Muslims are a threat to America and free societies everywhere.  Make no mistake.  If you are not a Muslim, insult Allah or refuse to ‘convert’, you are deserving of their sword… or any other weapon they can find to kill you with.

Breitbart News reported that Muslims in Nigeria have killed 120 Christians in a series of recent slaughters.  Last week alone, they destroyed about 150 homes and killed 52 people.  Dozens more were wounded.  Breitbart reports that “The assailants reportedly split into three groups, the first of which fired upon the people, the second set fire to buildings, and the third chased down people fleeing from the scene. Victims of the assault included women and children.”  You might think that would receive a mention on SOMEONE’S news program.  Not a word.

 Earlier this month more than 30 Christians in Karamar village were killed, assailants setting fire to several houses and a church. The terrorists reportedly shot at families trying to escape the fire, killing 32.

Not a word.  Well, it was a Christian church, not a Muslim ‘church’.  That explains it.

If you don’t think these Muslims are a very real and present threat to our way of life, you are not looking.  Peaceful Muslims?  Maybe.  Like some lukewarm Christians, there are probably Muslims who don’t really follow the doctrine of their faith.  Kill the infidels (anyone who does not ‘convert’ or who insults Allah) is part of their play book.

The media isn’t interested.

*** Gordon Howie *** is an author and CEO of Life and Liberty Media

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1 comment for “Mass Murder Kills 120 People

  1. mark the freedom poet
    March 20, 2019 at 9:51 am

    this is vitally important Truth being spiked because the left has no compassion for Children or Christians. Thanks for all you do Gordon, Mark the Freedom Poet

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