Rush Limbaugh-It’s Time to Panic (Part 2)

Editors Note: The following is Part 2 of a 3-part series written by guest author Susan D. Harris. To access Part 1 of this series click here. The 3rd and final part of the series will be published here on Saturday, April 14.


In the days following the mysterious death of Andrew Breitbart, we had to watch the left’s exuberance and joy at his death. We watched them mount a massive campaign to successfully knock out some of Rush Limbaugh’s biggest sponsors.  We learned from Jeffrey Lord at the American Spectator that Rush’s sponsors are not exactly who we thought they were as we watched them give him a public flogging.  We had to contemplate what we thought was a bomb scare at Rush Limbaugh’s home. 


We listened to Barack Obama give a Reaganesque speech on “having Israel ‘s back” when he is in the midst of cutting their funding and has thrown them under the bus time and time again.  His glittering words belie reality.


We watched Piers Morgan interrogate Kirk Cameron for daring to believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman.  The gay movement then caught the pass and ran for a touchdown crying “homophobia!”  (As if the gay Marines homecoming kiss wasn’t enough of an affront to our senses.)  Not to outdo himself, the next day Morgan followed up with a polite English-gentleman-turned-bulldog attack against Michele Bachman using the Cameron interview as fodder.


While driving home listening to a local Conservative radio show, I heard the radio host defending Cameron.  “Finally, a voice of sanity,” I thought to myself.  His reason for defending Cameron suddenly took a path I should have expected but didn’t.  He began to decry anyone attacking anyone else’s religion:  “After all, we all can believe in the same God, whether he is Allah or whoever you believe him to be.”  What?  My God is not Allah!  I screamed in frustration as I turned off the radio.  Yet another namby-pamby “tolerant” Christian making me feel as though I had squeezed in bed with John and Yoko.


Many of us realize we lost the churches a long time ago.  (Rick Santorum has it on high authority that Protestantism is “gone from the world of Christianity,” so that leaves us with the Catholic Church, which has had one of the most scandalous and widespread institutionalized histories of sexual abuse ever.)  In America now, calling homosexuality a sin is a sin.  Not being tolerant of other people’s gods is a sin.  Hurting “Mother Earth” by not recycling is the 11th commandment. Apparently there is still a list of sins; but they have been modified from the original ones taught before say, 1980.  Thanks to this influence, many Christian Americans have lost their proverbial balls and replaced them with marbles.


It’s not all the Christian’s fault.  Most have been operating from the mistaken premise that man is basically good and good should tolerate evil, even though that deviates from Biblical teaching.  Most Christians are not liars.  Most don’t plot and plan attacks against those who disagree with them. Most don’t plan ahead for the inevitable attacks of evil that start out as skirmishes in the woods but turn into full-fledged battles on the open field.  Most are naive.  Even Rush Limbaugh, the Christian and intellectual that he is, did not identify the bait that was being laid for him (and us) in Ms. Fluke’s testimony before Congress.


As we suddenly realized we had mysteriously lost a great crusader in Andrew Breitbart, we were keenly aware that Rush Limbaugh could easily be silenced at any moment by the inmates we’ve put in charge of the asylum.  No sooner had Rush uttered his words than a low roar was heard from the Left, an eerie sound like Dracula’s Renfield laughing in the asylum as he sneaks up on a “nice fat spider.”  Getting America’s #1 talk show host off the air would be orgasmic for Rush haters. (Remember when seemingly everyone in attendance, most importantly President Obama, laughed at the White House Correspondents Dinner when comedian Wanda Sykes joked about Rush dying from kidney failure?  Sadly our President was Renfield that night.)  We are also faced with the reality that if they successfully silence Rush’s mic, we lose the country.  An overstatement?  I hardly think so.  With a listening audience over 20 million strong, he has been the glue that has held the small fragments of our shredded Constitution together.  He is doing it for us.  That is why organizations like Media Matters are still building steam to trip him up and tear him down.


Yet even though we proclaim, “There are more of us than there are of them!” we have not been able to harness our energy into a cohesive force.  Please don’t point at the Tea Party as that cohesive force.  While they played a major role in the 2010 Congressional elections, they became so confused about Republican nominees they incapacitated themselves like Laurel and Hardy trying to walk out the door at the same time.  The reality is that we are in this situation because we have tragically failed somewhere.  Those of us still employed have been going to work, afraid to miss a day so as not to lose our jobs or anger the boss.  We’ve been keeping our language politically correct in the workplace and in the grocery story. We’ve been tolerant, polite, and submissive as we hand over our children and grandmothers to be groped by TSA screeners, only complaining after the groping was complete.  We’ve mistakenly thought that we had strength in numbers and that somehow we would win the fight by simply acknowledging there was a problem.


Editors Note: This is Part 2 of a 3-part series written by guest author Susan D. Harris. To access Part 1 of this series click here. The 3rd and final part of the series will be published here on Saturday, April 14.
Susan D. Harris is a freelance writer located in Upstate, NY.

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