American Majority Now Stands with Conservatives on Abortion
Polls can be fickle, with voters swayed by tangential sentiments, hardly chewed information, and whatever political wind happens to be blowing in their direction at the time. Tomorrow things might change again. But support for pro-life has seen a steady increase over the pro-choice alternative.
The church has made the difference, with morals anchored in centuries-old values and traditions. The church knows what’s right and wrong. The Old and New Testaments have a clear message about things that matter.
The hedonism of the 1960s–thanks to drugs, sex, and rock music–“liberated” some people from moral restraints and Christianity. But few will argue that our problems with divorce, gay and lesbian sex, contraception, and abortion aren’t a direct result of that period.
Today it seems the moderates and centrists occupy this same ground. Absolutes don’t apply. Moral relativism is cool. Different folks, different strokes. Gallup polls are the best way of identifying what the people want. After all, that’s who politicians represent, isn’t it? What incumbent wants to lose a lucrative seat over things as stupid as values and morality? Easier to reach across the aisle if just a mirror separates.
Being “middle of the road” means that you might be pro-life one week, pro-choice the next. Flip-flopping thus becomes a new-fangled virtue. So does being “fair and balanced,” allowing no side any quarter, even if bedrock moral issues are at stake.
The church doesn’t falter. Ideologies on the both the right and left tend to remain steadfast because they’re not based on the pragmatic and expedient. Today’s management culture is numbers-driven, polls-preoccupied, and largely free of heritage and religion. People lead their lives in the present and short-term. This is where the votes are.
Sure, there’s a few on the Christian Left that try to be trendy and keep a wary eye on the collection plate, but they won’t last long. Faith-based Christians and Jews must persevere even during licentious times.
In her article “America Now a ‘Pro-Life’ Nation,” Star Parker reveals that “A just released Gallup poll shows that now 50 percent identify as ‘pro-life’ compared to 41 percent as ‘pro-choice. This is a complete reversal from sixteen years ago in the mid-90s when 56 percent were “pro-choice and 38 percent ‘pro-life.’”
Parker further states that “Whereas public opinion has moved in recent years against the conservative position opposing same sex marriage, the opposite is true on abortion. On abortion, Americans have become decidedly more pro-life, moving in the direction of conservatives.”
Support is good to have now and then, but don’t always count on what’s currently favored in today’s popular culture. Moral issues that will be wrong a hundred years from now were actually wrong thousands of years ago as well.
I’m pro-life. I like life a lot. I’m also pro-choice. I believe we each have fundamental autonomy over our bodies that government should not violate. Your poll is meaningless in terms of government policy.
I guess that sums it all up. We can now rest our case. Pro life? Really??!! Intellectual delusion or intellectual dishonesty?