Contractors excise tax in South Dakota will total about $ 72 Million dollars in 2913.
With Governor Daugaard suggesting that state government could get along without 25% of that tax (his proposal to give 25% of the tax to big companies), I wondered along with many others if we really need the tax at all! It seems that good economic development is to REDUCE taxes so small businesses have more money to invest in job creation.
State Senator Tim Begalka is not just “wondering” about it… he is taking action! He has drafted and introduced a bill to eliminate this tax. That would produce real economic development. It’s a MUCH better plan than taxing the little guy and giving it to the big guys!
Read copy of his bill HERE
So, what can you do to help?? You can email the State Legislators and tell them to PASS Senator Begalka’s bill. While you are at it, you might want to thank the other sponsors of this bill as well.
Good job Senator Begalka!!
Here is the list of Legislators so you can email them in support of this bill.
***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***
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Begalka is insane. So are you. Get your god away from the rest of us.
Yours is the kind of comment generally sent to the trash. Today, I am publishing it because your comments demostrate a significant problem in the mind of the left… Reason and facts are not a part of your dialogue. The subject was taxation, not God or insanity. Since you bring up the subject, I will tell you that the more I learn about God, and the more closely I know Him, the more clear it is to me that insanity could be defined as someone who choses to reject Him.
It truly is a mental (and spiritual) sickness that incapacitates a person from being able to see the overwhelming evidence that God’s way tends to produce incredible freedom and prosperity, while the world’s way always produces suffering, privation and death. World history and the world today make this astonishingly clear, yet the depraved mind rejects all truth.