America Is Still The Land Of Opportunity

In spite of everything our government is doing “for us”, opportunity abounds in America.

The last decade has produced significant business decline and failure for entrepeneurs in our country.  Politicians have destroyed business opportunities and literally forced businesses to close.  Taxes are increasing and new regulations abound.

Even with the difficulties we face, it could be worse.  In fact it probably will.  Even so, success is still an option.

My friend in Zimbabwe demonstrated a remarkable resilience that would serve Americans well in this difficult economy.  He had invested his life in his farm.  Several projects were thriving and becoming profitable.  His family was living comfortably and had great hope for their future.  That changed early one morning.  A government sponsored army of thugs appeared with weapons to “seize” the farm.  Other farmers had been killed when they resisted.  My friend was able to escape with his family, a truck and the clothes on their backs.  They were now homeless as a result of a tyrannical government.

When I first met this man, it was several years after this horrible event.  He was busy with his new life and business.  When I asked him how he dealt with the trauma of loosing his entire life’s work at the hands of his government, he responded with no hesitation.  “We have had a wonderful life!”  What an attitude!  He went on to say that when their life was stolen from them, they just “made a plan.”  It didn’t seem to have slowed him down for a minute.  His enthusiasm for life was certainly not diminished.

It’s time for Americans to be thankful for the “wonderful life” we have enjoyed.  There is still room for success, if we will look for new opportunities and “Make a plan”.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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