Can Stace Nelson Win?

Yesterday was a big day for Stace Nelson.

He made the formal announcement that he will take on the Republican establishment machine and run for the US Senate.

His entry into the race brings something that South Dakota and the nation desperately needs.  He has a heart to serve the people, and he is a man of principle and faith.

In making his announcement, Stace read his personal “Contract with South Dakota”.


As your fellow countrymen, seeking to serve you in your United States Senate, I propose not just a change in policies, but even more importantly, to help restore the bonds of trust of we the people with those who are supposed to be our faithful public servants.

That is why, in this era of political evasion, equivocation and posturing, I submit to you now a detailed commitment to rein in our federal government, with no fine print.

Next year’s election offers the chance, after decades of politicians expanding government, to bring to Congress an actual public servant that will work to reduce a government that is too big, too intrusive, and too easy with your money. A public servant that will insist that Congress respects the rights of the people, our values, and the faith of the American family.

Like President Abraham Lincoln, I will serve you “with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right.” I will set the example of how an honest public servant answers to, is loyal to, and serves, you the public. I will help restore accountability to Congress and restore the standard of how the free people of this great nation should be able to live without fearing our government.

This contract with you is aimed at restoring the faith and trust of you, the American people, with those who are supposed to serve you. Therefore:

I, Stacey Victor Nelson, pledge to the taxpayers of South Dakota, and to the American people, that I will:

1. Support only legislation that is constitutionally sound and which equally applies to all Americans, including Congress.

2. Oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates.

3. Support the reduction of the income tax; review and reduction of other federal taxes; limit or reduce government spending; and, support the rest of the South Dakota Republican Party Platform.

4. Except when related to a congressional authorization of force, I will consider all spending open for reduction and vote only for budgets that present a path to balance; and, vote against any appropriations bill that increases total spending and against the authorization or funding of new programs without offsetting cuts in other programs.

5. Support only nominations to the Supreme Court, and U.S. federal benches, judges who are committed to restraint and applying the original meaning of the Constitution, not legislating from the bench.

6. Oppose any further “stimulus” spending or bailouts.

7. Support the repeal of the federal death tax.

8. Oppose any amnesty for illegal aliens; actively work to require the securing of our borders; and, support measures which prohibit employers from knowingly hiring illegal aliens.

9. Support the full repeal of Obamacare (also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act); and, I will oppose any bill or budget resolution that provides funding to implement or enforce any part of it.

10. Support pro-life legislation to permanently end all taxpayer funding of abortion in all domestic and international spending programs, and defund Planned Parenthood and all other contractors and recipients of federal funds with affiliates that perform or fund abortions.

11. Oppose any efforts to seize, or require registration of, Americans’ firearms or any other effort to subvert or limit Americans’ COnstitutional Second Amendment rights; and, I will actively support national concealed carry permit reciprocity, as well as other legislation that ensures Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

12. Support legislation of drug testing for anyone receiving public assistance.

13. Honor my oath to support the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, to include Article III S. 32 “Term Limitations for United States congressmen. No person may be elected to more than two consecutive terms in the United States Senate or more than six consecutive terms in the United States House of Representatives”; and, support legislation to enact those term limits nationally, to replace career politicians with citizen legislators.

14. Care for our veterans and for their widows and orphans, by working with the American Legion, Veterans fo Foreign Wars, Fleet Reserve Association, Marine Corps League, Disabled American Veterans, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Vietnam Veterans of America, Purple Heart Association, Military Order of the Purple Heart, and other service groups, to identify and support legislation that removes employment barriers, and ensures our nation is fulfilling our obligations to those of us who have borne the costs of our freedom.

This I swear to you my fellow South Dakotans, and the American people.

Stacey Victor Nelson

Bob Ellis, of the American Clarion, was on hand with video camera.  Watch Here

But can he WIN??

The short answer is YES!!  When enough South Dakotans have the opportunity to see who he is and what he believes, they will choose him.  The challenge is to help spread the word and share his message.  He is the real deal!

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


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