The Republicans are already agreeing to raise the debt ceiling.
America already has accrued $17 Trillion dollars in debt.
Isn’t it about time to ask, “How much is enough?”
Is $18 Trillion enough? $20 Trillion…. $50 Trillion????
Doesn’t it have to stop somewhere? How about HERE? How about NOW?
The reason we need to increase the debt ceiling is simply that Congress and the President have not been doing their jobs. All the talk about spending reductions seem little more than political rhetoric, in view of the fact that everyone is ready to RAISE the debt ceiling.
It hasn’t been that long ago that conservatives in the House and Senate (albeit few in number) were calling for a simple, but effective beginning.
Cut, Cap and Balance. Cut spending (real cuts, not just reductions in proposals for spending increases). Cap spending so it doesn’t exceed 18% of GDP. Balance the budget.
The American economy would jump-start itself if Congress would adopt this plan as phase one for recovery.
Phase two should be to REDUCE, REMOVE and ELIMINATE. Reduce taxes across the board for American businesses and individuals, accompanied by continued reduction in government spending levels. Remove regulation that restrict growth of private business and cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year. Eliminate government agencies and programs that are not essential or effective.
Haven’t we already reached the point of “enough”?
***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***
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