How Much Will You Pay?

Government-run health care is proving to be a bigger nightmare than anyone imagined.

Not to mention that the initial costs are now beginning to surface.  web.ad04grandam

One businessman told me his cost for employee health care is increasing 33% in January.

By caving in and taking the lid off the debt ceiling, Congress allowed ObamaCare to continue full speed ahead, even though it is obvious to everyone that it is bad for America.

If there is a bright spot, it may be that by the time December gets here, more Americans may realize how bad ObamaCare is for them personally.  They will get a blast of the cost as it impacts their family budget.  When reality hits the pocketbook, there will be a much larger outcry from those who have to pay the bills.  We can only hope it isn’t to late!

The Heritage Foundation has created a state-by-state chart of just how much more people will be paying for health insurance.

How much more will you be paying??

OB Costs


Not only will health insurance costs be higher, the cost of ObamaCare doesn’t end with higher premiums.  It will cost America Billions of dollars… money we simply do not have.

***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***

gh7            “America needs to know the  truth, without which, she will surely lose her freedom.”

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