Media Deception

Back in the day, America felt Walter Cronkite could be trusted.

Alas, Walter is gone.

So is TRUTH in American media.  The press, and major news networks now specialize in promoting leftist political ideology and politicians by mis-reporting and “spinning” the facts.

The most recent media deception comes from the New York Times.  Representative Trey Gowdy has a grasp of the facts, and presents a clear argument as to the motive of the New York Times.


Still, in spite of the facts, other “news” organizations like CNN have begun “reporting on the report” by the New York Times, to lend credibility to the blatant lie that the killing of four Americans in Benghazi (while the President was AWOL) was nothing more than a spontaneous response to a video.

When America tolerates repeated lying and deception by the President and other political leaders both in web.ad05explorerand out of the Democrat Party, it shouldn’t surprise us when the media is in collusion with them.

Unfortunately, the deception runs deep in politics.  Both Parties have leaders at the Federal, State and local levels who have abandoned the truth in favor of personal political gain.  It isn’t any wonder that Christians have been maligned and slandered by the press and political leaders.  No one should be surprised that God is increasingly less welcome in the halls and policies of our government.  The truth would destroy their dynasty.

Maybe we should draft the Duck Dynasty to deliver a daily dose of truth to political and media liars.


***Gordon Howie is a nationally syndicated author, host of Liberty Today TV and CEO of Life and Liberty Media***


“America needs to know the truth, without which, she will surely lose her freedom.”

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