Rinos & Chrinos

A message of hope, inspiration and challenge.

America’s only hope for restoration is for men, women and children to turn their hearts toward God. This Sunday message is one that is good for every day of the week.

*** Pastor Ron Burtz***

Recently I heard a discussion in which a prominent conservative leader made a rather startling statement.

He said he believed South Dakota would be better off if we actually had a real two party system. He explained that because Republicans have been in the majority forweb.ad96riviera so many years it’s easy to be a Republican in this state. And, he said, when being a Republican is easy, people who don’t actually support the party platform on many issues can masquerade as real Republicans and get away with it. These false Republicans are often referred to as R.I.N.O.s…Republicans In Name Only.

As I later pondered this leader’s statement, I couldn’t help but make a comparison to the church. After all, like the Republicans in South Dakota, the Christian church has had it pretty easy for more than 200 years in this country. Until recently there has been very little in the way of opposition to the church and because it’s so easy to be a Christian there are many in our churches who claim the name of Christ, but are in reality Christians in name only. We could label them CHRINOS. This shouldn’t be a surprise to us. After all, Jesus warned about the “weeds among the wheat” in the body of Christ, and said that there would be those who said, “Lord, Lord”, who would not get into heaven because Christ will say to them, “I never knew you.” Even in the early days of the Church, when it was more difficult and downright dangerous to be a Christian, Paul and the other apostles often warned of “false teachers” and “false brethren.”

What are we to do about the problem of CHRINOS in the church? Well, it’s probably best not to go on a CHRINO hunt and try to weed out the false brethren among us. The most important thing is to make sure you, yourself are not one of them. Are you familiar with and living according to the party platform? (BIBLE) That’s found in this book, by the way. Are you just a fan of Christ or are you a fully devoted follower. If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would anybody be able to bring evidence to convict you? Jesus never called anyone to simply join the party.

He said a true disciple must take up his cross and follow Him.


If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, today would be a GREAT day to begin! It’s easy:

A. Admit you are a sinner.

B. Believe that Jesus died to purchase forgiveness for your sins.

C. Confess Jesus as your savior.

Now… you are saved. Your new life has BEGUN. Find a Bible believing, Gospel preaching church. Read your Bible and pray (talk to God). May God bless you as you trust and obey Him in everything you do!


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